Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blueberry Cornmeal Muffins

No recipe with this post, because I used the Vegan with a Vengeance recipe and didn't make much in the way of changes. After a second round of blueberry picking, I wasn't motivated to bake a pie so I made these, ate a ton of berries, and froze a huge ziplock bag of them. I'll probably bake a pie with some of those later.

I'd like to try these with some whole grain flour, but don't know if they'd be too heavy considering they're already half cornmeal. Has anyone out there tried baking with a combination of cornmeal and whole wheat flour?

Brief gripe: I like all the muffin and cupcake recipes I've tried in Vegan with a Vengeance and that whole line of books, but the proportions for the recipes as a whole are almost always way off. This didn't really make 12 muffins. It made 12 really short muffins that aren't really muffin shaped. I should have made it into 8 or 10. This sort of nonsense is ok with cupcakes, cause you can frost them and make them look more normal, but really. Just scale up the recipes ladies.


  1. that looks great! am i really supposed to go buy the book though? where's your recipe?

    update from portland: i still am eating so many cherries that it affects my bowels.

  2. Jeff, don't worry I don't expect you to buy the cookbook. But I'm not going to reprint someone else's recipe unless I make enough changes to it that I don't feel like I'm ripping them off. It's like picking fruit from someone else's parking strip garden, you know?
