Monday, February 22, 2010

Chickpea Salad

One more post before I head to Oregon tomorrow (!) This chickpea salad is really good. I sort of based it on the recipe in Vegan With a Vengeance, but...flavored it up. It's great on sandwiches, or just by itself.

First, soak some hijiki seaweed in hot water for 15 minutes or so - you don't need too much.

Add this to some partly smashed chickpeas, and mix in:
- a clove or two of minced garlic
- salt and pepper
- finely chopped dill pickle (cucumber or not - see previous pickle post)
- a little mustard
- as much vegenaise as you want; you can just add enough to moisten and make it all stick together, or you can add more and make it kind of creamy
- finely chopped scallions are good
- a little chopped fresh dill and/or thyme and/or chives if you've got 'em
- other finely chopped vegetables are good, like red bell pepper or even carrots

Aside: I know the mustard greens in the picture above look like I cooked them within an inch of their life, but they were super bitter and really needed it.

I've been buying dried chickpeas from local and amazing Whole Grain Milling, and recently cooked a huge pot. One other thing I made was a quick Indian-ish curry with more mustard greens, onion, garlic, tomato sauce, a little coconut milk, cumin, corainder, turmeric, etc. I ate it with quinoa, which I'm pretty sure makes every good thing better.

When I get back from Oregon, stay tuned for the Minneapolis-Portland BRUNCH-OFF!

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