Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sweet potato greens!

A new kind of greens! New to me, at least. But that doesn't exactly happen every day. I came across these at the farmer's market, and had to get them. Aren't they pretty?

I sauteed some of them simply, with salt, pepper, garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil - the usual greens treatment. They're really good - kind of like a mix of spinach and beet greens - more substantial than spinach, but less bitter than a lot of greens and a tiny bit sweet.

Then the rest I wilted with sauteed actual sweet potatoes, and seasoned it with salt, pepper, and a little maple syrup. Have you ever heard that Paul Simon's song Mother and Child Reunion was inspired by a chicken omelet? I don't know if it's true, but this was sort of like the vegan version of that.

If you come across these I recommend picking some up, if only because new vegetables are exciting.

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